What is the meaning of life?

We all come to an age where we ask ourself, what is the meaning of life? I couldn't help but ponder that big question, especially now, when people die left and right due to COVID. I am not a philospher so I cannot give a deep meaningful answer. But I will try to put it in simplest terms.

All animals born, grow up,reproduce and then die. Basically that is all living thing does, no matter what we do in between. So sadly, life is just to grow and reproduce. How we live our life is what give its meaning, a purpose, or else we are just like other animals. So I say, lets go out there and live. Even if you go through more tragedy than the main character in a soap opera, endure and live. Because once we die, well, we become part of the earth and that is it. There is no undo button. So live! Maybe there is a way out. The sun will come out tomorrow. The rainbow woun't come if there is no rain.

Do what makes you happy. That should be the goal and the purpose to life. What give your life meaningful? What makes you happy? Money? Beauty? Fame? Immortality? No matter what it is go for it, because we only live once.